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Brazilian school announces girls’ camp

The Bermuda Brazilian Football School invites all female footballers between the ages of 9 and 16 to its girls-only camp at Bermuda High School from February 9 to 13.

The camp will focus on technical, tactical and skills development in group play. A core focus will be individual and team preparation for the annual Kappa Classic.

The camp will starts at 8.30am each day and run to 3.30pm. Those who choose to subscribe to half-day sessions will finish at noon.

The costs are $165 for the week, with the half-day campers paying $100.

For safety reasons, no child under 14 will be allowed to leave the site to purchase food or drink.

To register, please fill out the form via the following link goo.gl/GZz43i


• Click under “Related Media” for the camp flyer.